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Octopus Soap Holder

This project is inspired by the plywood bending techniques that Charles and Ray Eames devised. 


The Vitra Eames Elephant was a product that the Eames created in their experimenting with plywood bending. 

Exploring the idea of creating a 3 dimensional figure out of 2 dimensional material is the focus of this project.


The animal that I had chosen to imitate for this project.


I always loved how mysterious, majestic, and alien the octopus is and I wanted to try to capture it in the way the Eames did


These are my early Ideation sketches trying to learn what kind of forms I wanted to make

Paper models

Here are my explorations into 3D forms, trying to move closer to my final medium 

Acrylic Models

After Paper I then moved to the final material and began doing experiments on it to test the limits

Final Iteration

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